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File path:<project folder>/config/rig.json
Associated plugin:Sass plugin


* Configuration for @rushstack/heft-sass-plugin
"$schema": ""

* Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from. This provides a way for standard
* settings to be shared across multiple projects.
// "extends": "base-project/config/serve-command.json",

* The root directory for project source code.
* Default value: "src/"
// "srcFolder": "src/",

* Output directory for generated Sass typings.
* Default value: "temp/sass-ts/"
// "generatedTsFolder": "temp/sass-ts/",

* Optional additional folders to which Sass typings should be output.
// "secondaryGeneratedTsFolders": [],

* Determines whether export values are wrapped in a default property, or not.
* Default value: true
// "exportAsDefault": false,

* If specified, folders where compiled CSS files will be emitted to. They will be named by appending
* ".css" to the source file name for ease of reference translation, unless "preserveSCSSExtension" is set.
* Default value: undefined
// "cssOutputFolders": [],

* If set, when emitting compiled CSS from a file with a ".scss" extension, the emitted CSS will have
* the extension ".scss" instead of ".scss.css".
* Default value: false
// "preserveSCSSExtension": true,

* Files with these extensions will pass through the Sass transpiler for typings generation.
* Default value: [".sass", ".scss", ".css"]
// "fileExtensions": [".sass", ".scss"],

* Files with these extensions will be treated as non-module SCSS and pass through
* the Sass transpiler for typings generation.
// "nonModuleFileExtensions": [ ".css" ],

* A list of paths used when resolving Sass imports. The paths should be relative to the project root.
* Default value: ["node_modules", "src"]
// "importIncludePaths": ["node_modules", "src"],

* A list of file paths relative to the "src" folder that should be excluded from typings generation.
* Default value: undefined
// "excludeFiles": []

See also