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File path:<project folder>/config/typescript.json
Associated plugin:TypeScript plugin


* Configures the TypeScript plugin for Heft.
"$schema": "",

* Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from. This provides a way for standard
* settings to be shared across multiple projects.
// "extends": "base-project/config/typescript.json",

* If provided, emit these module kinds in addition to the modules specified in the tsconfig.
* Note that this option only applies to the main tsconfig.json configuration.
"additionalModuleKindsToEmit": [
// {
// /**
// * (REQUIRED) Must be one of "commonjs", "amd", "umd", "system", "es2015", "esnext"
// */
// "moduleKind": "amd",
// /**
// * (REQUIRED) The name of the folder where the output will be written.
// */
// "outFolderName": "lib-amd"
// }

* If true, emit CommonJS module output to the folder specified in the tsconfig "outDir"
* compiler option with the .cjs extension alongside (or instead of, if tsconfig.json
* specifies CommonJS) the default compilation output.
// "emitCjsExtensionForCommonJS": true,

* If true, emit ESNext module output to the folder specified in the tsconfig "outDir"
* compiler option with the .mjs extension alongside (or instead of, if tsconfig.js
* specifies ESNext) the default compilation output.
// "emitMjsExtensionForESModule": true,

* If true, enable behavior analogous to the "tsc --build" command. Will build projects
* referenced by the main project. Note that this will effectively enable "noEmitOnError".
// "buildProjectReferences": true,

* If true, and the tsconfig.json has "isolatedModules": true, then transpilation will happen
* in parallel in a worker thread.
// "useTranspilerWorker": true,

* Specifies the tsconfig.json file that will be used for compilation. Equivalent to
* the "project" argument for the 'tsc' and 'tslint' command line tools.
* The default value is "./tsconfig.json".
// "project": "tsconfig.special.json",

* Configures additional file types that should be copied into the TypeScript compiler's emit folders, for example
* so that these files can be resolved by import statements.
"staticAssetsToCopy": {
* File extensions that should be copied from the src folder to the destination folder(s).
// "fileExtensions": [
// ".json", ".css"
// ],

* Glob patterns that should be explicitly included.
// "includeGlobs": [
// "some/path/*.js"
// ],

* Glob patterns that should be explicitly excluded. This takes precedence over globs listed
* in "includeGlobs" and files that match the file extensions provided in "fileExtensions".
// "excludeGlobs": [
// "some/path/*.css"
// ]

See also