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Environment variables

Heft's behavior can be customized using the shell environment variables described below:


This environment variable provides an alternate method for specifying the --detect-open-handles parameter for @rushstack/heft-jest-plugin.


This environment variable provides an alternate method for specifying the --disable-code-coverage parameter for @rushstack/heft-jest-plugin.


This environment variable provides an alternate method for specifying the --max-workers parameter for @rushstack/heft-jest-plugin.


This environment variable provides an alternate method for specifying the --test-timeout-ms parameter for @rushstack/heft-jest-plugin.


Controls how source file paths are displayed when printing diagnostic messages such as errors or warnings.

Possible values:

  • (an absolute path): the printed path will be relative to the specified absolute path
  • {PROJECT_FOLDER}: a special token indicating that the printed path will be relative to the project folder (that contains package.json)
  • {ABSOLUTE_PATH}: a special token indicating that the printed path should be an absolute path

The default value is {PROJECT_FOLDER}, however when Rush invokes commands such as Heft, it sets RUSHSTACK_FILE_ERROR_BASE_FOLDER to be the path of the root folder that contains rush.json.

NOTE: The RUSHSTACK_FILE_ERROR_BASE_FOLDER functionality is implemented by the general-purpose FileError API from @rushstack/node-core-library.


By default @rushstack/heft-webpack4-plugin and @rushstack/heft-webpack5-plugin look for an NPM package called webpack-dev-server when launching Webpack. Use the WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER environment to configure a different NPM package name, such as a private fork of this package.

See also