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Heft 命令行


usage: heft [-h] [--unmanaged] [-d] [--plugin PATH] <command> ...

Heft is a pluggable build system designed for web projects.

Positional arguments:
clean Clean the project
build Build the project.
start Run the local server for the current project
test Build the project and run tests.

Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--unmanaged Disables the Heft version selector: When Heft is invoked via
the shell path, normally it will examine the project's
package.json dependencies and try to use the locally
installed version of Heft. Specify "--unmanaged" to force
the invoked version of Heft to be used. This is useful for
example if you want to test a different version of Heft.
-d, --debug Show the full call stack if an error occurs while executing
the tool
--plugin PATH Used to specify Heft plugins.

For detailed help about a specific command, use: heft <command> -h

heft clean

usage: heft clean [-h] [-v] [--clear-cache]

Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --verbose If specified, log information useful for debugging.
--clear-cache If this flag is provided, the compiler cache will also be
cleared. This isn't dangerous, but may lead to longer
compile times

heft build

usage: heft build [-h] [-v] [--production] [--locale LOCALE] [-l]
[--typescript-max-write-parallelism PARALLEILSM]
[--max-old-space-size SIZE] [--watch] [--clean]

Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --verbose If specified, log information useful for debugging.
--production If specified, build ship/production output
--locale LOCALE Only build the specified locale, if applicable.
-l, --lite Perform a minimal build, skipping optional steps like
--typescript-max-write-parallelism PARALLEILSM
Set this to change the maximum write parallelism.
This parameter overrides what is set in typescript.
json. The default is 50.
--max-old-space-size SIZE
Used to specify the max old space size.
--watch If provided, run tests in watch mode.
--clean If specified, clean the package before building.

heft start

usage: heft start [-h] [-v] [--production] [--locale LOCALE] [-l]
[--typescript-max-write-parallelism PARALLEILSM]
[--max-old-space-size SIZE] [--clean]

Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --verbose If specified, log information useful for debugging.
--production If specified, build ship/production output
--locale LOCALE Only build the specified locale, if applicable.
-l, --lite Perform a minimal build, skipping optional steps like
--typescript-max-write-parallelism PARALLEILSM
Set this to change the maximum write parallelism.
This parameter overrides what is set in typescript.
json. The default is 50.
--max-old-space-size SIZE
Used to specify the max old space size.
--clean If specified, clean the package before starting the
development server.

heft test

usage: heft test [-h] [-v] [--production] [--locale LOCALE] [-l]
[--typescript-max-write-parallelism PARALLEILSM]
[--max-old-space-size SIZE] [--watch] [--clean] [--no-test]
[--no-build] [-u] [--find-related-tests SOURCE_FILE]
[--silent] [-t REGEXP] [--test-path-pattern REGEXP]
[--test-timeout-ms INTEGER] [--debug-heft-reporter]

Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --verbose If specified, log information useful for debugging.
--production If specified, build ship/production output
--locale LOCALE Only build the specified locale, if applicable.
-l, --lite Perform a minimal build, skipping optional steps like
--typescript-max-write-parallelism PARALLEILSM
Set this to change the maximum write parallelism.
This parameter overrides what is set in typescript.
json. The default is 50.
--max-old-space-size SIZE
Used to specify the max old space size.
--watch If provided, run tests in watch mode.
--clean If specified, clean the package before building.
--no-test If specified, run the build without testing.
--no-build If provided, only run tests. Do not build first.
-u, --update-snapshots
Update Jest snapshots while running the tests. This
corresponds to the "--updateSnapshots" parameter in
--find-related-tests SOURCE_FILE
Find and run the tests that cover a space separated
list of source files that were passed in as arguments.
This corresponds to the "--findRelatedTests"
parameter in Jest's documentation.
--silent Prevent tests from printing messages through the
console. This corresponds to the "--silent" parameter
in Jest's documentation.
-t REGEXP, --test-name-pattern REGEXP
Run only tests with a name that matches a regular
expression. The REGEXP is matched against the full
name, which is a combination of the test name and all
its surrounding describe blocks. This corresponds to
the "--testNamePattern" parameter in Jest's
--test-path-pattern REGEXP
Run only tests with a source file path that matches a
regular expression. On Windows you will need to use
"/" instead of "" This corresponds to the
"--testPathPattern" parameter in Jest's documentation.
--test-timeout-ms INTEGER
Change the default timeout for tests; if a test
doesn't complete within this many milliseconds, it
will fail. Individual tests can override the default.
If unspecified, the default is normally 5000 ms. This
corresponds to the "--testTimeout" parameter in
Jest's documentation.
Normally Heft installs a custom Jest reporter so that
test results are presented consistently with other
task logging. If you suspect a problem with the
HeftJestReporter, specify "--debug-heft-reporter" to
temporarily disable it so that you can compare with
how Jest's default reporter would have presented it.
Include this output in your bug report. Do not use
"--debug-heft-reporter" in production.