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Copy files plugin

Plugin package:@rushstack/heft (built-in)
Plugin name:copy-files-plugin implemented by CopyFilesPlugin.ts
Plugin config file:(none)
heft.json options:copy-files-options.schema.json

This plugin copies files or folders specified using various wildcards.

When to use it

Typical usage scenarios:

  • Copying asset files such as images or fonts into a "dist" folder
  • Copying .d.ts files into a temp/typings folder before compiling
  • Copying node_modules dependencies to be repackaged

Some caveats:

  • It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use copy-files-plugin for copying assets into the TypeScript emit folder; use staticAssetsToCopy instead, as it interoperates better with additionalModuleKindsToEmit and watch mode.
  • Avoid using this task to read/write files outside the project folder. Doing so would violate Rush's principle of project isolation.
  • Where possible, avoid using inefficient glob operators such as ** that recursively traverse a directory tree. These disk-intensive operations will slow down the build.
  • Overly broad wildcards can sometimes include stray folders that are not tracked by Git.

package.json dependencies

None - this feature is built-in to @rushstack/heft.


The copy-files-plugin is a built-in plugin loaded directly from @rushstack/heft. Here's a code sample for a task that loads this plugin:

<project folder>/config/heft.json

"$schema": "",
"extends": "@rushstack/heft-web-rig/profiles/library/config/heft.json",

"phasesByName": {
// ("build" is a user-defined name, not a schema field)
"build": {
"tasksByName": {
// ("post-compile-copy" is a user-defined name, not a schema field)
"post-compile-copy": {
// The "post-compile-copy" task should not run until after "typescript" completes
"taskDependencies": ["typescript"],

"taskPlugin": {
"pluginName": "copy-files-plugin",
"pluginPackage": "@rushstack/heft",

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// EXAMPLE OPTIONS FOR copy-files-plugin
"options": {
"copyOperations": [
"sourcePath": "assets/images",
"destinationFolders": ["dist"],
"fileExtensions": [ ".png", ".jpg" ]
// --------------------------------------------------------------

heft.json plugin options

This commented template documents the available options. In the above example, it would get pasted between the ------ bars.

// OPTIONS FOR copy-files-plugin
// JSON Schema:
"options": {
* An array of copy operations to be performed by this task.
"copyOperations": [
* (REQUIRED) One or more folders that files and folders will be copied into,
* relative to the project root.
"destinationFolders": [ "dist" ],

* Absolute path to the source file or folder, relative to the project root.
* If "fileExtensions", "excludeGlobs", or "includeGlobs" are specified, then "sourcePath"
* is assumed to be a folder; if it is not a folder, an error will be thrown.
* Settings such as "includeGlobs" and "excludeGlobs" will be resolved relative to this path.
* If no globs or file extensions are specified, the entire folder will be copied.
* If this parameter is not provided, it defaults to the project root.
// "sourcePath": "assets/images",

* If specified, this option recursively scans all folders under "sourcePath" and includes
* any files that match the specified extensions. If "fileExtensions" and "includeGlobs"
* are both specified, their selections are added together.
// "fileExtensions": [ ".png" ],

* A list of glob patterns that select files to be copied. The paths are resolved relative
* to "sourcePath", which must be a folder path. If "fileExtensions" and "includeGlobs"
* are both specified, their selections are added together.
* For glob syntax, refer to:
// "includeGlobs": [],

* A list of glob patterns that exclude files or folders from being copied. The paths are resolved
* relative to "sourcePath", which must be a folder path. These exclusions eliminate items that
* were selected by the "includeGlobs" or "fileExtensions" setting.
* For glob syntax, refer to:
// "excludeGlobs": [ "**/temp" ],

* Normally, copying will preserve the path relative to "sourcePath" under the destination folder.
* (For example, if "sourcePath" is "src/test" and "destinationFolders" is ["out"], then
* "src/test/a/b/c.txt" will be copied to "out/a/b/c.txt".) Specify "flatten: true" to discard
* path information and keep only the filename (for example, "out/c.txt"). If two files have
* the same name, an error will be reported. The default value is false.
// "flatten": true,

* If true, filesystem hard links will be created instead of copying the file. Depending on the
* operating system, this may be faster. The default value is false.
* NOTE: This may cause unexpected behavior if a tool modifies the link. The contained directory
* structure will be re-created and all files will be individually hardlinked. This means that
* folders will be new filesystem entities and will have separate folder metadata, while the
* contained files will maintain normal hardlink behavior. This is done since folders do not
* have a cross-platform equivalent of a hardlink, and since file symlinks provide fundamentally
* different functionality in comparison to hardlinks.
// "hardlink": true