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Version: 0.50.0


File path:<project folder>/config/heft.json
Associated plugins:CopyFilesPlugin, DeleteGlobsPlugin


* Defines configuration used by core Heft.
"$schema": "",

* Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from. This provides a way for standard
* settings to be shared across multiple projects.
// "extends": "base-project/config/heft.json",

"eventActions": [
// {
// /**
// * (Required) The kind of built-in operation that should be performed.
// * The "deleteGlobs" action deletes files or folders that match the specified glob patterns.
// */
// "actionKind": "deleteGlobs",
// /**
// * (Required) The Heft stage when this action should be performed. Note that heft.json event actions
// * are scheduled after any plugin tasks have processed the event. For example, a "compile" event action
// * will be performed after the TypeScript compiler has been invoked.
// *
// * Options: "clean", "pre-compile", "compile", "bundle", "post-build"
// */
// "heftEvent": "clean",
// /**
// * (Required) A user-defined tag whose purpose is to allow configs to replace/delete handlers that
// * were added by other configs.
// */
// "actionId": "my-example-action",
// /**
// * (Required) Glob patterns to be deleted. The paths are resolved relative to the project folder.
// * Documentation for supported glob syntaxes:
// */
// "globsToDelete": [
// "dist",
// "lib",
// "lib-esnext",
// "temp"
// ]
// },
// {
// /**
// * (Required) The kind of built-in operation that should be performed.
// * The "copyFiles" action copies files that match the specified patterns.
// */
// "actionKind": "copyFiles",
// /**
// * (Required) The Heft stage when this action should be performed. Note that heft.json event actions
// * are scheduled after any plugin tasks have processed the event. For example, a "compile" event action
// * will be performed after the TypeScript compiler has been invoked.
// *
// * Options: "pre-compile", "compile", "bundle", "post-build"
// */
// "heftEvent": "pre-compile",
// /**
// * (Required) A user-defined tag whose purpose is to allow configs to replace/delete handlers that
// * were added by other configs.
// */
// "actionId": "my-example-action",
// /**
// * (Required) An array of copy operations to run perform during the specified Heft event.
// */
// "copyOperations": [
// {
// /**
// * (Required) The base folder that files will be copied from, relative to the project root.
// * Settings such as "includeGlobs" and "excludeGlobs" will be resolved relative
// * to this folder.
// * NOTE: Assigning "sourceFolder" does not by itself select any files to be copied.
// */
// "sourceFolder": "src",
// /**
// * (Required) One or more folders that files will be copied into, relative to the project root.
// * If you specify more than one destination folder, Heft will read the input files only once, using
// * streams to efficiently write multiple outputs.
// */
// "destinationFolders": ["dist/assets"],
// /**
// * If specified, this option recursively scans all folders under "sourceFolder" and includes any files
// * that match the specified extensions. (If "fileExtensions" and "includeGlobs" are both
// * specified, their selections are added together.)
// */
// "fileExtensions": [".jpg", ".png"],
// /**
// * A list of glob patterns that select files to be copied. The paths are resolved relative
// * to "sourceFolder".
// * Documentation for supported glob syntaxes:
// */
// "includeGlobs": ["assets/*.md"],
// /**
// * A list of glob patterns that exclude files/folders from being copied. The paths are resolved relative
// * to "sourceFolder". These exclusions eliminate items that were selected by the "includeGlobs"
// * or "fileExtensions" setting.
// */
// "excludeGlobs": [],
// /**
// * Normally, when files are selected under a child folder, a corresponding folder will be created in
// * the destination folder. Specify flatten=true to discard the source path and copy all matching files
// * to the same folder. If two files have the same name an error will be reported.
// * The default value is false.
// */
// "flatten": false,
// /**
// * If true, filesystem hard links will be created instead of copying the file. Depending on the
// * operating system, this may be faster. (But note that it may cause unexpected behavior if a tool
// * modifies the link.) The default value is false.
// */
// "hardlink": false
// }
// ]
// }

* The list of Heft plugins to be loaded.
"heftPlugins": [
// {
// /**
// * The path to the plugin package.
// */
// "plugin": "path/to/my-plugin",
// /**
// * An optional object that provides additional settings that may be defined by the plugin.
// */
// // "options": { }
// }

See also