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Version: 0.50.0

Getting started with Heft

This walkthrough will get you started with Heft by creating a basic Node.js console project.

If you're in a hurry, the heft-node-basic-tutorial and heft-webpack-basic-tutorial folders illustrate a fully worked out example of a simple project that builds using Heft.

We'll begin by creating a simple standalone project without Rush. (Later, the Interfacing with Rush tutorial will examine what's different when using Heft in a monorepo.)

  1. We'll use the PNPM package manager for this demo. (Its command line is very similar to NPM, so you can substitute npm for pnpm in these steps.) There are various ways to install PNPM, but the simplest is like this:

    npm install --global pnpm
  2. Create a new folder my-app with a package.json file for our project, like this:


    "name": "my-app",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "A Heft tutorial project",
    "license": "MIT",
    "main": "lib/start.js",
    "typings": "lib/start.d.ts",
    "scripts": {
    "start": "node lib/start.js"
  3. Create a TypeScript source file that we'll compile.


    console.log("Hello, world!");
  4. Install @rushstack/heft and typescript as devDependenices for your project:

    cd my-app
    pnpm install --save-dev @rushstack/heft
    pnpm install --save-dev typescript

    # Since this project will use the console.log() API, we also need to add the TypeScript
    # typings for Node.js. Typings should always use "--save-exact" version specifiers.
    pnpm install --save-dev --save-exact @types/node
  5. Next we need to create the TypeScript tsconfig.json file. The presence of this file causes Heft to invoke the TypeScript compiler. For now we'll create a simple standalone tsconfig.json file; later we'll demonstrate how to share a reusable configuration across many projects.


    "$schema": "",

    "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "lib",
    "rootDirs": ["src/"],

    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "declaration": true,
    "sourceMap": true,
    "declarationMap": true,
    "inlineSources": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "strict": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "types": ["node"],

    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "es2017",
    "lib": ["es2017"]
    "include": ["src/**/*.ts"],
    "exclude": ["node_modules", "lib"]

    Note that "types": ["node"] references the @types/node package that we installed above. This is needed because Node.js is a global environment, so its typings must be loaded globally. Most other @types packages can be loaded via import statements in your source code.

    See the typescript task documentation for more background about TypeScript configuration with Heft.

  6. You can invoke Heft using ./node_modules/.bin/heft, but it's more convenient to install it globally so that it's always available in your shell PATH:

    # Install the Heft tool globally
    pnpm install --global @rushstack/heft

    What if the globally installed heft binary is the wrong version?

    Just like Rush, Heft implements a "version selector" feature that will automatically discover your local node_modules folder and invoke ./node_modules/.bin/heft, ensuring that the correct version is used.

  7. Let's try manually invoking Heft's command line to build our project.

    # For Windows, use backslashes for all these commands

    # Make sure we're in your project folder
    cd my-app

    # View the command line help
    heft --help
    heft build --help

    # Build the project
    heft build

    # To see more detail about what Heft is doing, add you can the "--verbose" flag
    heft build --verbose

    Invoking heft build should produce console output like this:

    Project build folder is "/path/to/my-app"
    Starting build
    ---- Compile started ----
    [copy-static-assets] Copied 0 static assets in 0ms
    [typescript] Using TypeScript version 3.9.7
    ---- Compile finished (1494ms) ----
    ---- Bundle started ----
    ---- Bundle finished (0ms) ----
    -------------------- Finished (2.408s) --------------------
    Project: my-app@1.0.0
    Heft version: 0.3.0
    Node version: v12.17.0

    Some terminology: When we invoke the heft build command from the shell, the "build" verb is called an action. Actions are user interface concepts, sort of like macros. The action causes Heft to invoke multiple tasks such as [typescript] or [copy-static-assets]. These tasks often run in parallel. The tasks are grouped into stages such as "Compile" and "Bundle" in the above log. Stages represent major steps of the overall operation. These concepts are explained in more depth in the Heft architecture article.

    NOTE: When reporting diagnostic messages such as a compile error, Heft prints file paths relative to the project folder. This can be customized using the RUSHSTACK_FILE_ERROR_BASE_FOLDER environment variable.

    After the build finishes, confirm that it produced several output files in your lib folder:

    • start.js - the compiled JavaScript code
    • start.d.ts - the TypeScript typings, for external libraries that might import this module
    • and - Source map files, which enable tools like debuggers to find the corresponding source code file/line, for a given item in an output file
  8. If you recall, our package.json file has a "scripts" section that specifies "start": "node lib/start.js". Let's try running the compiled code using pnpm run.

    # Invoke the "start" script from package.json
    pnpm run start

    # If you have Rush installed, you can also use this slightly shorter equivalent
    rushx start

    You should see output like this:

    > my-app@1.0.0 start C:\my-app
    > node lib/start.js

    Hello, world!
  9. We can also add a "build" script to our package.json file:


    . . .
    "scripts": {
    "build": "heft build --clean",
    "start": "node lib/start.js"
    . . .

    With this change, you can also build by invoking pnpm run build (or rushx build). This toolchain-agnostic convention makes it easier for newcomers to guess how to build your project. It will also be useful later when we integrate with Rush.

  10. To complete this project, we need to create one more config file to ensure that heft clean properly deletes the output files:


    * Defines configuration used by core Heft.
    "$schema": "",

    "eventActions": [
    * The kind of built-in operation that should be performed.
    * The "deleteGlobs" action deletes files or folders that match the
    * specified glob patterns.
    "actionKind": "deleteGlobs",

    * The stage of the Heft run during which this action should occur. Note that actions specified in heft.json
    * occur at the end of the stage of the Heft run.
    "heftEvent": "clean",

    * A user-defined tag whose purpose is to allow configs to replace/delete handlers that were added by other
    * configs.
    "actionId": "defaultClean",

    * Glob patterns to be deleted. The paths are resolved relative to the project folder.
    "globsToDelete": ["dist", "lib", "temp"]

    * The list of Heft plugins to be loaded.
    "heftPlugins": [
    // {
    // /**
    // * The path to the plugin package.
    // */
    // "plugin": "path/to/my-plugin",
    // /**
    // * An optional object that provides additional settings that may be defined by the plugin.
    // */
    // // "options": { }
    // }