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Version: 0.50.0


File path:<project folder>/config/rig.json
Associated plugins:SassTypingsPlugin


* Configures the Sass Typings plugin for the Heft build system.
* This optional additional file customizes Sass parsing, module resolution, and emitting of
* typings files for the Typescript compiler.
"$schema": ""

* Source code root directory.
* This is where .css, .sass, and .scss files will be searched for to generate typings.
// "srcFolder": "src",

* Output directory for generated Sass typings.
// "generatedTsFolder": "temp/sass-ts",

* Determines if export values are wrapped in a default property, or not.
// "exportAsDefault": true,

* Files with these extensions will pass through the Sass transpiler for typings generation.
// "fileExtensions": [
// ".sass",
// ".scss",
// ".css"
// ],

* A list of paths used when resolving Sass imports.
// "importIncludePaths": [
// "node_modules",
// "src"
// ],

* A list of file paths relative to the "src" folder that should be excluded from typings generation.
// "excludeFiles": []

See also